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Wellness Beyond Skin Deep: The Benefits of Nutricosmetics for Overall Health

HIBO's nutricosmetic capsules

Understanding Nutricosmetics Market

We have seen countless trends come and go. A quick Google search can show you the latest buzz in the beauty industry – nutricosmetics. However, picking something worth your time and money can be challenging, especially when you have many options.

So, let us take you back to the basics. By the end of this publication, you’ll understand what nutricosmetics are so you can make an informed, educated, and confident decision that will suit your individual goals!

The word “nutricosmetics” is a compound of the words “nutrition” and “cosmetics.” As the name suggests, Nutricosmetics helps you build your beauty from within. Nutricosmetics represents a unique blend of dietary supplements and functional food consumed orally to deliver beauty enhancements from within - also known as ingestible beauty products. This fusion creates a new realm where nutraceuticals meet cosmetic products, evolving into a holistic beauty regimen that nurtures the largest organ in the human body, the skin, on a deeper level.

As a modern-day beauty ritual, nutricosmetics primarily nourish the body from within, for example, the skin cells, promoting natural beauty that radiates outwardly. Individuals invest in their skin's long-term health and appearance by integrating these beauty supplements into their diet. Following this example, the dietary supplements involved in nutricosmetics are designed to improve skin elasticity and boost skin hydration, providing a comprehensive approach to maintaining youthful, vibrant skin. The whole concept underscores a shift towards a more holistic approach to beauty, merging the nourishment from dietary supplement intake with the external care traditionally provided by cosmetic products. Through nutricosmetics, achieving well-hydrated, elastic, and naturally beautiful skin is now a nourishing ritual.

Over the years, consumers have grown more and more concerned about establishing healthy beauty regimes. As a result, the beauty industry has changed ways, offering high-quality products that enhance health and beauty inside out. Nutricosmetics helps you break free from the notion that beauty is only skin deep – it helps improve hair, nails, and skin health by nourishing the body from within.

It is no secret that a healthy diet with the right food products gives rise to a healthy life. Modern nutricosmetics are the new beauty supplements meant to work together with topicals, bringing you the desired beauty benefits you are looking for. While the latter may not have a profound, penetrating impact, it has a proven record of working well with these supplements.

So, How Does it Work?

The mantra “if you feel good, you’ll look good” is at the heart of the nutricosmetics industry.

By sending active ingredients directly to the cellular level in the body, the nutricosmetics industry performs two main functions: (i) it hydrates and improves skin health for that graceful and supple look; (ii) it stimulates natural body systems that produce antioxidant activity and compounds like collagen and hyaluronic acid, promoting your body’s natural defense against wear and tear.

Traditional cosmetics like creams, serums, and oils work on the external layer. They do not do much to promote healthy skin, hair, or nails. However, there are better places to target for long-term results than this outermost layer, the epidermis.


The cells in this layer are meant to die regardless of what you do!

The epidermis directly interacts with external stressors like UVA and UVB rays, leading to oxidative stress. Count smoke and air pollution, too – the two significantly harm your skin’s overall health and speed up aging. For long-term results, nutricosmetics go beyond the dermis and the hypodermis, where the cells are generated in the first place.

We can already hear you questioning: what value do Nutricosmetic food supplements provide that a regular diet cannot? The answer is simple.

A balanced diet goes a long way.

Nutricosmetics are crucial in bridging the gap between nutrient deficiencies and your regular diet. Nutricosmetics help boost the body’s natural protective defense mechanisms, thus helping slow down the natural process of aging. Nutricosmetics can also help increase your body’s immunity and regenerative function.

Next question: What’s Inside Nutricosmetics?

Nutricosmetics usually come as supplements enriched with minerals and active ingredients like Vitamins C and E, collagen, hyaluronic acid, whey protein, spirulina, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Upon ingestion, these active ingredients go down your digestive tract, where they are eventually absorbed into your body. Once absorbed, the active ingredients help develop stimulating cellular molecules. These molecules are then released to target areas of the body through the bloodstream, where they slowly start to show their effect.

Always remember that when it comes to nutricosmetics, patience is a virtue.

Healthy skin cells, for example, regenerate every 3-5 weeks, so it’s essential to be consistent with your supplements for at least a month. But the magic happens after 6-8 weeks of constant use. With a bit of perseverance, you can expect a marked acceleration in healthier skin, nails, and hair growth sooner rather than later!

Nutricosmetics provide the essential nutritional supplements your body craves. So sit back and let these food supplements empower your body from within!

The Nutricosmetic Benefits: Beyond Skin-Deep

It is undeniable that the benefits of nutricosmetics go beyond the skin. Thousands upon thousands of people turn to nutricosmetics every year. Here’s why we think that you should, too, Nutricosmetics:

Promote Collagen Production

Collagen is a critical player in modern Nutricosmetics. It is a protein that makes up nearly 90% of our skin’s structure. However, our natural collagen levels tend to decrease as we age, resulting in saggy and wrinkly skin.

As the most abundant protein in our bodies, it is also integral in promoting healthy skin, bones, teeth, muscles, joints, and connective tissues. In modern nutricosmetic, collagen can be found in fruity chews, flavored coffees and creams, powder packets, and oral capsules.

Protect You from Sun Damage

Nutricosmetics have repeatedly shown their essential role in photoprotection, i.e., protecting skin’s well-being against the sun. Everyone knows UV rays lead to visible signs of aging, like brown spots and wrinkles. But worry not – we have a fix for you!

Hyaluronic Acid and vitamin C Nutricosmetics are great at curbing sun damage. In addition, pairing these nutritional supplements with a diet high in vegetables, legumes, fish, and olive oil is a great way to improve skin health and fight premature aging.

Fight Oxidative Stress

“Oxidative stress” refers to an imbalance between free radicals (highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules) and antioxidants (molecules that can stabilize such free radicals) in the body.

Suppose there are too many free radicals in the body. That can lead to tissue and organ deterioration – which may cause diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. These free radicals are also responsible for wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and the breakdown of collagen and elasticity.

So what can we do? Maintain a vitamin-rich diet.

Antioxidants like Vitamins A and E are vital molecules that help maintain homeostasis. Nutricosmetics rich in Vitamins A and E are established as some of the best nutritional supplements for reducing signs of aging.

Boost Skin, Hair, and Nail Health

Our skin is particularly susceptible to wear and tear as the most exposed part of our bodies. Moreover, your healthy appearance is also particularly vulnerable to external changes. So always ensure your self-care routine comes with some extra TLC!

Hyaluronic Acid, carotene, and lutein Nutricosmetics are excellent allies for shielding your body against the elements. No matter what goes on outside, Nutricosmetics ensures you maintain your healthy appearance!

Support Gut Health

Perhaps the most recognizable of the many uses of nutricosmetics, probiotics are a great way to improve the body’s natural gut health. “Probiotics” is the term used to refer to live, ingestible microorganisms that, taken orally, provide health benefits to the consumer.

In addition to enhancing the immune system and improving digestive health, these live microorganisms restore your gut flora. Recent research also suggests that ingesting probiotics may protect against skin allergies, infections, and UV exposure.

The Best Nutricosmetic Ingredients to Look Out For

These are some examples of the functional ingredients nutricosmetics incorporate in their formulas:


When discussing Nutricosmetics, Collagen is one of the best nutritional supplements you can treat yourself with.

Collagen is fantastic at enhancing skin hydration while simultaneously fighting dryness and wrinkles. Oral collagen supplements strengthen bone integrity, making it a great way to prevent osteoarthritis in your later life. Collagen also reduces hair and nail brittleness. Some studies have shown that collagen might help in long-term weight loss!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has several essential functions, including protecting optimal cellular function and maintaining healthy skin, bones, and cartilage. Indeed, it is a necessary component of a balanced diet.

Citrus fruits and vegetables are all great sources of Vitamin C. However, Vitamin C cannot be stored in your body, so it should be a top priority for your dietary supplement regimen.

Women's recommended Vitamin C intake is 75 milligrams (mg). On the other hand, men should aim for 90 mg daily.

Vitamin E

This fat-soluble vitamin is a skincare rockstar.

Vitamin E’s primary role is to act as an antioxidant to protect cells from free radical damage. In addition, Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin and eyes and plays a vital role in boosting immunity. Good sources include plant oils, sunflower, olive oil, seeds, nuts, and wheat.

On average, men need 4 mg of Vitamin E, while women only require 3 mg daily.


Zinc is a mineral crucial to several bodily functions, including healing wounds, boosting immunity, blood clotting, and age-related macular degeneration. Zinc is essential in supporting your skin’s well-being against wounding and damage.

Healthy people with zinc deficiencies may experience hair loss and eye and skin problems.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are the only fats the human body cannot produce and must be obtained from an external diet. Therefore, foods like fish, vegetable oils, nuts (especially walnuts), flax seeds, and leafy vegetables are excellent choices for maintaining a healthy appearance.

Omega-3 fats prevent heart disease and stroke, help control skin conditions like eczema, and protect against cancer.

Hyaluronic Acid

This molecule is a slippery compound that the body produces as a natural lubricant. Hyaluronic acid is found throughout the body but is incredibly concentrated in the eyes, joints, and dermis.

The acid is unmatched when it comes to absorbing and retaining water.

And that is the reason why Hyaluronic Acid is often prescribed for dry skin and eyes. For the same reason, it is a common ingredient in several lotions and moisturizing creams. The water-retention property makes it an excellent option for anyone looking to improve skin elasticity and reduce the effects of wrinkles and scarring.


Spirulina is an algae used as a nutritional and dietary supplement since the Aztecs. This original superfood is an all-in-one source of nutrition, containing high levels of protein, and has excellent antioxidant, pain relieving, and anti-inflammatory properties.

The Aztecs used spirulina to treat disease and sustain messengers during long-distance runs. However, the superfood seized the spotlight once again when NASA proposed it as an excellent potential source of nutrition for astronauts in space. Since it tastes bitter, most people consume spirulina mixed with yogurt, juice, or smoothies to improve its flavor.

So, how would you like some Spirulina in your Nutricosmetics? It's worth every penny!

Whey Protein

Who doesn’t know about Whey Protein? It is probably the biggest name among the top nutritional supplements for a healthy diet. Whey is one of the major proteins found in milk. It can be separated from the milk directly or collected as a by-product of cheesemaking.

As a “complete” protein, whey comprises all nine essential amino acids that help maintain a healthy appearance. Its low lactose content makes it very easily digestible and an excellent choice for those looking to gain lean muscle mass. Whey has also been found to aid in weight loss due to its highly satiating properties!

So cancel out the noise.

Do yourself a favor and invest in nutritional supplements.

Your future self will thank you!

Choosing the Right Nutricosmetic for Yourself

With your newfound knowledge of some of the industry's best active ingredients, it is time to learn how to choose the right Nutricosmetic.

As we have already seen above, Nutricosmetics comes in various dietary supplements, including (but certainly not limited to!) powders, oral capsules, chews, and gummies. What works best for you, of course, depends on your dietary preferences. However, determining which active ingredient suits your concerns requires focus and consideration.

Make a quick checklist of the problems that you may be facing.

Are you experiencing sensitive skin with fine lines and wrinkles? Try Collagen.

Are you tired of topical applications and looking for the ultimate skin care product? Try one that combines Elastine and CO-Q10.

Struggling with an uneven complexion? Try Vitamin C.

Are you looking to promote healthy hair and nails? Try Zinc.

Are you concerned about aging? Try Spirulina.

Want to support muscle recovery? Try Whey Protein.

It is crucial to ensure you know any complex drug interactions that may do you more harm than good. Once that is out of the way, it is simply a matter of picking what’s best for you. We suggest finding a brand with excellent product quality and proper health certifications!

Nutricosmetics vs. Traditional Cosmetics: Choose Wisely!

With their “full picture” approach, nutricosmetics have been proven far more effective in beauty than traditional topical methods. Indeed, the former cares about getting the most out of natural ingredients.

The nutricosmetics industry evolved from a deep desire to connect back to Earth. Nutricosmetics offers a sustainable approach to beauty by prioritizing a healthy diet and wellness from within. It is important to note that incorporating nutricosmetics into your beauty routine benefits your health and our planet's well-being.

We are seeing it right in front of our eyes. The value of nutricosmetics in the health and beauty industry is rising by the minute. Consumer preferences have shifted, and demand for natural dietary supplements and holistic beauty is booming worldwide; therefore, the global nutricosmetics market is evolving rapidly.

The industry has steadily grown at a rate of 7% each year since 2014. It also remained surprisingly buoyant during COVID-19, when the global cosmetic industry significantly declined. So make the more intelligent decision today – pair your cosmetics with nutricosmetics for natural, long-lasting beauty from the inside.

Nutricosmetics has a market share of more than 40% in the beauty industry in Asia - primarily Chinese consumers among Asian consumers. As the industry matures in North America, it has seen the fastest growth and acceptance across Europe.

Nutricosmetics continue to gain traction globally, and we see no signs of slowing down. “As within, so without” goes the wise saying, and in light of such wisdom, we can confidently predict that Nutricosmetics are here to stay. And we are here to embrace functional food!


What are nutricosmetics used for?

Nutricosmetics are designed to offer a holistic approach to beauty and wellness by promoting beauty from within. Their primary function revolves around enhancing skin density and combating skin laxity. These products and treatments nourish the skin to mitigate the appearance of noticeable wrinkles, provide sun protection, and promote a healthy tan. Additionally, nutricosmetics aim to prevent hair loss, enhance hair strength, and bolster nail resilience. A specific category within nutricosmetics focuses on cellulite reduction, contributing to overall well-being.

When to expect results from Nutricosmetic supplements?

Nutricosmetics serve as dietary supplements tailored to augment the health and appearance of skin, hair, and nails from within. Unlike immediate-acting topical cosmetic products, nutricosmetics necessitate a period to manifest noticeable results. Generally, individuals may observe visible enhancements in their skin, hair, and nails around three weeks post-commencement of a nutricosmetic supplement regimen. Nonetheless, experiencing the full spectrum of benefits from the supplement may extend up to two months.

Being a sustainable choice for elevating beauty and well-being in the long term, nutricosmetics ideally should integrate into your daily beauty routine, complementing other skincare maintenance products you utilize. They take your beauty to the next level by offering a foundation of health, promoting a healthy lifestyle needed for enduring beauty. Whether the goal is to attain a healthier skin complexion, robust nails, or resilient hair strands, nutricosmetics substantially add to any beauty regimen.

It's a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or doctor before incorporating a new dietary supplement like nutricosmetics into your regimen to ensure its suitability. This step is crucial to align the supplement with your overall health and beauty objectives and to achieve optimal results.

What is the Science Behind Nutricosmetics Working Mechanism?

Nutricosmetics, often called "beauty supplements" or "ingestible beauty," represent a burgeoning frontier in the beauty and wellness sphere. These orally administered supplements are meticulously crafted to nourish and uphold the innate beauty of skin, hair, and nails. Unlike traditional topical cosmetic products, nutricosmetics delve deeper into addressing the root causes of common aesthetic concerns from within, presenting a holistic approach to beauty.

With the advent of innovative nutricosmetic products, the beauty industry is scaling new pinnacles. These products are manifested in diverse forms like capsules, powders, beverages, and bars, each offering a blend of convenience and versatility.

The crux of nutricosmetics' effectiveness lies in its sophisticated formulation, often encompassing a medley of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. For instance, let's dissect the impact on the skin, the body's expansive organ that reaps significant benefits from these concoctions. A prime example can be drawn from incorporating collagen peptides in many nutricosmetic products. Collagen peptides, being a quintessential component, invigorate collagen synthesis, thereby amplifying skin elasticity. This culminates in a reduction of wrinkle appearance and bestows a more youthful visage.

Moreover, other components like antioxidants counteract oxidative stress, a predominant factor contributing to premature aging. Vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, replenish the essential nutrients, ensuring the vitality and health of skin cells.

The diverse constituents within nutricosmetics work synergistically, addressing different facets of skin, hair, and nail health. The assimilation of these elements in a dietary supplement form facilitates systemic nourishment, paving the path for long-term natural beauty.

Nutricosmetics stand as a testament to the confluence of science and beauty, offering a systematic and sustainable avenue to accentuate one's beauty from within, aligning with the contemporary shift towards a more natural and holistic beauty regimen.

What is the meaning of cosmeceuticals?

Cosmeceuticals represent a fusion between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. These topical cosmetic-pharmaceutical hybrids enhance beauty through ingredients that provide additional health-related functions or benefits. Unlike traditional cosmetics, cosmeceuticals are engineered to exert a beneficial physiological effect on the skin beyond mere appearance enhancement. They contain active ingredients that can bring about significant positive changes in the skin's health and appearance.

Cosmeceutical encapsulates products in the liminal space between cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. They might include anti-aging creams, serums, or moisturizers with bioactive ingredients like peptides, antioxidants, or retinoids, which can promote skin elasticity, tackle hyperpigmentation, or mitigate wrinkles and fine lines.

The allure of cosmeceuticals lies in their promise of delivering both aesthetic and therapeutic benefits, thereby serving superficial beauty concerns and addressing underlying skin issues. However, it's pivotal to note that while the cosmetic claims of cosmeceuticals are regulated, their therapeutic claims are not subjected to the stringent approval process that pharmaceutical products undergo. Hence, while they promise enhanced efficacy compared to conventional cosmetic products, the level of scrutiny regarding therapeutic effectiveness and safety is less rigorous than pharmaceutical agents.

What is the difference between cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics?

Cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics represent two approaches to enhancing beauty and addressing skin concerns, each with a unique mechanism of action and application. Here's a breakdown of their primary differences:

Primary Function

Cosmeceuticals: They mainly focus on enhancing appearance and addressing aesthetic concerns.

Nutricosmetics: They promote overall skin health and natural beauty by providing the necessary nutrients for optimal skin cell function, hydration, and elasticity.

Method of Delivery

Cosmeceuticals: Topical products are applied directly to the skin, hair, or nails. They work on the skin's surface and, to some extent, the underlying layers to address specific concerns.

Nutricosmetics: These are orally ingested products in the form of dietary supplements, beverages, or functional foods that work from within to improve the health and appearance of the skin, hair, and nails.

Target of Action

Cosmeceuticals: They primarily act on the skin's surface or penetrate the underlying layers to exert their effects, addressing issues like wrinkles, pigmentation, or skin elasticity locally.

Nutricosmetics: They work systemically to nourish and support the health of skin cells, often targeting the root causes of skin concerns by providing essential nutrients and antioxidants that benefit the skin and, potentially, the entire body.


Cosmeceuticals: The formulations comprise active ingredients like retinoids, hydroxy acids, vitamins, peptides, and antioxidants, which are applied topically.

Nutricosmetics: They contain dietary supplements like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds, which are ingested and absorbed into the bloodstream.

Regulatory Oversight

Cosmeceuticals: They are usually regulated as cosmetics, but their claims can sometimes border on those of pharmaceuticals, which might subject them to more stringent regulations.

Nutricosmetics: They are often regulated as dietary supplements or food products, which typically have different and sometimes less stringent regulatory requirements than pharmaceuticals.

Result Onset

Cosmeceuticals: The results may be seen relatively quickly since the active ingredients are applied directly to the target area.

Nutricosmetics: The onset of visible results may take longer as the nutrients need to be absorbed and utilized by the body to exert their effects on the skin, hair, or nails.

These distinctions elucidate how cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics contribute to the holistic approach of beauty and skincare, each from a different vantage point. Choosing between them or integrating both into a skincare regimen would depend on individual preferences, specific skin concerns, and the desired outcomes.


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